Research shows that it is six times easier to sell something new to existing customers than to get a new customer. As such, it's critical to get as much information as you can about your customers and know what they are buying. This makes continued communication with customers easier and more targeted. If you enter information such as birthdays, anniversaries, email addresses, cell phone numbers, spouse and children information and customer codes, JCS makes it very easy to follow-up with your customers. First, all sales made to your customers are in their sales history file, which includes the vendor. Second, you can create a Wish list that can be referenced at any time. So, using our CRM section, it's easy to communicate to your customers that have birthdays or anniversaries coming up, or have made a purchase of a particular type of jewelry or from a particular vendor, or have made a recent purchase so you can send them a thank-you note or email or text. Find out who has made purchases in the past but not recently. Learn where your business is coming from by zipcodes and much more.



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