You create your own inventory categories, vendor codes, and departments to suit your needs. Markup either by category or vendor, and rounding available to 95 , 1 , 5 and 10.

Either create unique skus or add to existing inventory. Can turn on 1/2 pair feature for selling earrings. Take pictures of items as you enter them or later. Picture automatically assigned the sku to label it and it gets put into the directory you assign pictures to. Takes seconds instead of minutes.

Barcode inventory tracking (RFID inventory tracking optional)

Track Memo inventory and Consignment inventory.

Assign basic items to be sure you always have them on hand.

Fast Seller Reports and Purchase Order function.

Return/Adjust tracking

Retail and discount price tracking

Serial number field for watches.

Diamond Tracking reports - loose or mounted, with certificate numbers and lab breakdowns.

Assemble/breakdown capability with miscellaneous costs added too.

Physical Inventory processing either through barcode scanning or RFID scanning.



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